I'm thinking of doing a podcast. I have the technology, and the interest; the trick will be to find the time to sustain it. I have several ideas about how to proceed in terms of content, but
my friend Mark asks a good question:
What would be your ideal podcast? What would make you want to download a few minutes of someone else's audio every morning? Assume for a moment that the person making the podcast is confined to legally usable, or self-produced, music and content, and paraphrased/attributed news.
Though I can assure you my podcast won't be daily; it will be weekly at most, probably closer to monthly. But yeah, what do you want to hear? I will probably cover topics also covered on this blog, ie, a reflection of what's on my mind, but I'd also be interested in what my potential listeners would want...
1 comment(s):
I know this probably won't be what you want to hear :) but I'm not that interested in political stuff. I mean, I keep up on what's going on, but I'm not as into the analysis of it as you are. What I'd love is to hear how your spirituality impacts the way you live your life and your creativity, and how that process evolves on an ongoing basis. You know, the kind of stuff we talk about when we hang out. "The personal is political." :)
Blessed Be,
Anonymous, at
January 06, 2006 11:52 AM
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