Happy Beltane, or, what a difference a year makes
Happy Beltane to everyone.It's been an interesting Beltane thus far, especially compared to last year. Last year was about as fiery as it gets for me. I enjoyed the fire, and it was an amazing time, one I will never forget and always treasure. But the fallout was very hard to deal with: heartbreak, sadness, guilt, and a full spectrum of other emotions. Lots of healing and lots of growth have happened since then. It was a very hard year, but ultimately one of the most fruitful of my life. I don't regret what happened, but I do own my part of the hurt from that. To those I hurt, directly or indirectly, this time last year, I bow to you. Namaste. And to you, with whom I explored the highest heights and the lowest depths, I wish you love and happiness. May there always be peace between us, so mote it be.
Having paid attention to the annual solar cycles every year for nearly two decades now, I've noticed a palpable shift in energy each year at this holiday. It remains one of the most powerful pagan holidays of the year for me (along with Samhain), for many reasons. And I still feel a bit burned by last year's fieryness. So this year I've held my Beltane exuberance in check, trying to stay grounded, and stay in the moment.
But, indeed, the energy is still there. And it's still wonderful feeling. And I don't think it's gonna blow up in my face this year. :-)
It truly has been an amazing year. Lots of difficulty, lots of "fertilizer." But the fruits of all this karmic labor are overwhelming to me.
I have never felt more blessed.
1 comment(s):
You're an amazing High Priest and I honor you and all your Work.
Nikki Starcat Shields, at
May 07, 2006 7:56 AM
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