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2 comment(s):
Hello, I got your site from Elecricritual and I think it is great, I am new to all of this Paganism, and just looking into and not sure where to start , also, I have homeschooled my sons in the past during elementary school and they went back to public school. My oldest son now in high school at Massebesic is not doing well and also says he does not feel safe so I am thinking of homeschooling him, I was wondering if you could give me any advice on either accounts I would appreciate it, I do have the papers here to be sent to Dr Edward Kastucks I plan to mail tomorrow to remove him, I just do not have a person who has been doing it for over a year to be my mentor, but I need him out of thaat school. he will never graduate if he stays there . There is 1200 students in that school and in 2 weeks they had 7 bomb threats, not counting the daily fights and other happenings, he has told me he does not feel safe , and he does can not concentrate, they think he is not trying yet he is in two excelerated classes. When the school was told he felt unsafe they said hogwash they have plenty of police officers. He reported a girl being hit in the face with a skateboarrd and is now taking heat as a rat from some upper classmen, because the boy who did it had a sister who graduated before and left some friends behind and he was two far from the struggle to take care of this fight himself as the boy who did this lived near the school and ran home after he did it. It was bad before it got worse after that, and the officer gave his name to the boy when the battery compaint was filed along with theft as a witness, which he did not think he would do, although he said he would do it all again as a boy should never hit a girl. But he would never help the school with any other information and they wonder why.
Anonymous, at
December 06, 2005 6:59 PM
Move. Now.
Anonymous, at
December 08, 2005 1:15 PM
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