
November 10, 2006

My Virtual Reality

OK, I haven't been writing much. Or reading, unless you count musical engineering forums, magazines, and books.

I have had my reality so focused on music recording as of late that my writing and research has come to a virtual standstill. I haven't updated my notebook in almost two months. This blog has only seen 5 entries since around then, too.

My laptop is having a power supply problem. I need a new power cord (which is ridiculously expensive), and my OS install is over a year old. I'm running Firefox 1.0.7 (2.0 just came out).

I can see a shift in my Virtual Reality coming. Fix the laptop, install a new OS. Switch this site over the really amazing WordPress software.

In my abundant free time, of course.

1 comment(s):

Hope you had a good weekend, whether feasting or not.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at November 27, 2006 10:39 AM  

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