Study finds no marijuana-lung cancer link
As you know, I occasionally check out corporate media to see what they are talking about. This CNN story is interesting:Marijuana smoking does not increase a person's risk of developing lung cancer, according to the findings of a new study at the University of California Los Angeles that surprised even the researchers.Ahh, guilt-free consciousness transformation. Anyone got a light?They had expected to find that a history of heavy marijuana use, like cigarette smoking, would increase the risk of cancer.
Instead, the study, which compared the lifestyles of 611 Los Angeles County lung cancer patients and 601 patients with head and neck cancers with those of 1,040 people without cancer, found no elevated cancer risk for even the heaviest pot smokers.
1 comment(s):
Before you get too excited, if you go read the actual study report it says that they found no increase in cancer risk for smoking marijuana vs. smoking tobacco. They did find an increase in cancer rates for smokers vs. nonsmokers.
So naturally you need to find another way. Brownies, perhaps.
In a country where it's legal Big Brother.
Anonymous, at
June 21, 2006 5:06 PM
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